En ny beställning från World of Wool. Jacob’s ull. 100 gr svart, 100 gr grå och 200 gr vit ull.
(Jacob wool is a medium quality, natural coloured wool. It is the classic hand spinners wool. Our tops are made from selected Jacob fleeces. 33-35 Micron, average length of 85-95mm. klipp fra WoW)
100 gr Ramie fiber från nässelplantefamiljen
(Vegetable fibre, made from nettles. Similar to flax (linen) but a lot finer.) klipp fra WoW
200 gram Bumble Bee, en fiberblandning.
(The softness of Merino Raven and Merino Jonquil blended with Black Diamond Bamboo and Natural Soybean to create a silky bumble bee effect. klipp fra WoW)
100 gram Eider
(A Long German wool, averaging 27 - 31 microns. Suitable for hand spinning, hand felting and many other craft uses.klipp fra Wow)